San Juan del Sur and Playa Maderas, Nicaragua

The border crossing from Costa Rica into Nicaragua was a bit hectic. A local bus dropped us off at the border and we were immediately hounded by people trying to ‘help’ us – for a fee of course. Luckily a local Nicaraguan on his way home offered to help us navigate the various offices and…

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

While we were in Costa Rica, we knew we wanted to do one of the adventure sport activities that they offer. We decided on white water rafting. The neat thing is, is that the company that we went with picked us up from Puerto Viejo and then would drop us to another place of our…

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

We left Panama City and made our way across the border to Puerto Viejo in Costa Rica. We were originally planning on taking local buses, but in order to fly into Panama we had to have a bus ticket out of the country, so we had booked a pretty pricey shuttle that unfortunately we could…

Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Figuring out how to get from Panama City to Bocas Del Toro was pretty simple really – but long.  We took the overnight bus from Panama City to Almirante, and it was pretty eventful. The bus left at about 6pm and was supposed to take 10 hours, so that we could arrive in time to…

Panama City and Surrounds, Panama

Hola! Panama is really hot. It was even hot when we arrived in Panama City in the middle of the night. And we did not acclimatise for some time. We had organised a pick up from the airport with our hotel because we didn’t really feel like navigating a new city in a new country…