Recipes From The Road

Here is a link to our recipe book – Recipes from the Road. It is a linked PDF and we hope to update it every now and again.

We have been lucky enough to spend most of our twenties living and travelling all over the globe and, of course, eating our way from continent to continent. We have developed a love of cooking and wanted to put together a collection of our favourite dishes from around the world. These are recipes that we have found and tinkered with, have been given to us, or we completely made up ourselves. Sharing food with our friends and family is one of our greatest pleasures, and we wanted this collection to be a reminder of all our special memories.

In the words of Emily’s favourite band, The Highwomen:

“I want a house with a crowded table, and a place by the fire for everyone, let us take on the world while we’re young and able, and bring us back together when the day is done.”

We hope these recipes give you as much enjoyment as they have given us.

– Andrew and Emily