Sihanoukville and Surrounds, Cambodia

A five hour bus trip took us from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville on the Cambodian coastline.  There were some pretty nice views along the way of the Cambodian countryside. This is the place to party in Cambodia and a lot of foreigners flock here to drink and chill out.  Unfortunately this means that there is…

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Cambodia is a fascinating country with an incredibly turbulent past. No other city in Cambodia highlights this as much as Phnom Penh.  Visiting this city is an incredibly sobering experience.  However, it is definitely a must-do on any visit to Cambodia as it really puts into perspective what the Cambodian people went through.  The first…

Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Getting from Bangkok to Cambodia is pretty simple, you just have to be aware of scams along the way. At the Northern Bus Terminal in Bangkok you catch a bus heading to Aranya Prathet and about 4 hours later you arrive at the Cambodian border.  Here you will probably be dropped off at a place…

Savai’i Island, Samoa

Getting from Upolu island to Savai’i Island is pretty straight forward. We caught a taxi from Lalomanu to the ferry terminal at Mulifanua Wharf (about a 2 hour drive) and then bought our tickets at the counter there for about NZ$5. The trip takes about an hour and a half, and it’s a lucky dip whether…

Upolu Island, Samoa

Samoa has got to be one of the best places I have visited. We started our trip by flying into Apia and jumping into a pre-arranged shuttle down to our accommodation at Lalomanu a.k.a. the most beautiful beach I have ever seen.  The only ATMs on this island are in Apia so make sure you…

Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Phi Phi, Thailand

An overnight sleeper train took us from Bangkok down to Surat Thani, which is the launching point for ferries to the islands. Definitely book the train in advance as it books out pretty fast.  It’s a really comfortable way to travel long distances even if it is pretty bumpy at times, meaning minimal sleep.  We…

Chiang Mai and Surrounds, Thailand

A comfortable yet extremely cold overnight bus brought us to the northern capital of Chiang Mai. When taking buses in South East Asia definitely layer up because the air-con is always on full blast and you might as well be in the arctic.  We also learned that most of the toilets in Thailand are of…

Bangkok and Ayuthaya, Thailand

Wow Bangkok is one hectic and humid place. Once we arrived in the city we travelled to Khao San Road which is the main backpacker zone. It is very touristy and loud (with Gangnam Style on repeat) so if you are not into staying up too late then definitely stay in a different area of…