Mexico City, Mexico

Instead of a 24 hour bus ride to Mexico City from San Christobal de las Casas, we decided to fly. There are a lot of cheap airlines in Mexico and finding cheap flights at the last minute is pretty easy.  We arrived pretty late at night and caught a taxi to our hostel, Mundo Joven Catedral.  It advertised a roof top bar but unfortunately this was not open yet when we were there. Overall it was okay, however it was in a good location in the historical district and they did offer free city tours which was a nice perk. A lovely lady showed us around the historical district of the city, she couldn’t speak much English and our Spanish was not the best so it was a little difficult to communicate but we got the gist of things! She took us to the Revolution Monument, which gave spectacular views over the entire city.  We hadn’t realised the size of the city until we stood on this monument, it was incredible. Just buildings and buildings far into the horizon.  After a big walk around the district our lovely guide took us to a local Pulqueria where it was just packed full of locals who had obviously been drinking since lunch time.  It was great!


Monumento a la Revolucion




Once you have been in the historical district for a while you soon realise that you cannot get away from the many people playing untuned organ grinders at every hour of the day and night.  Please stop, alas they never did.  However, Mexico City has some of the best tacos we have ever had. Our favourites were the pork and chorizo ones, which you could get for as cheap as 50 cents! We spent a lot of time walking around, trying different taco joints.



The city also has a lot of museums, the National Museum of Anthropology being the most famous. This place was amazing, it was huge and had an extensive collection of artifacts from North America.  We spent a good few hours exploring the exhibits.  We also visited the Mezcal Museum, which came with some free mezcal shots.  The smoky flavour of the mezcal is definitely to our liking.



Mmmm Mezcal

While in Mexico City there was a huge protest going on that had spilled over from the Oaxaca region. It was the teacher’s union protesting education reform. It had been pretty violent in Oaxaca so the riot police were out in full force in Mexico City.  We walked down to check it out and couldn’t believe the amount of people packed into the historical square listening to speakers and carrying banners.  No violence though so don’t worry mum!


We really enjoyed Mexico City, we found it to be an interesting and beautiful city filled with culture and fantastic food.

Here is a breakdown of our costs for 3 days:

Budget = US$214 (NZ$300)

Accommodation – US$42

Activities – US$24.50

Food/Drink – US$75

Travel (incl. Taxis) – US$19.50

Flights – US$110.50

Miscellaneous – US$5.50

Total spent – US$277 (NZ$392)

So we were US$63 (NZ$89) over budget.  This was due to the flight we booked, so Mexico City is actually a very cheap destination.
